Tag Archives: collective impact

Collaboration IS Possible!

Are you ready to think?! Let’s start (:
Today’s’ lesson is about a great Executive Director, who I met in networking recces at a professional conference.  The conference happened to be a great place for me to grow the network for an organization I work with, and I planned to do it the best I could.

Just a short background – I work with a nonprofit which provides services to other nonprofits’ clients. Without a large network they cannot make a real impact, so it is essential to grow the network proactively. That ED was contacted in the past but never wanted to really collaborate, although the very fact that both organizations may highly benefit from having their clients satisfied and living decent life…

Ready To Think Management
I have decided to go talk to the ED no matter what the result will be. The conversation started with big No No, “we will not collaborate”. Exact words! You could have feel the energy of saying “No” so sharply… but I have decided something, right?!, so stuck to my point I said: “But you know your organizations’ clients will be incredibly benefited from our services, and you know no other organization in the area has this type of great capacity and operations”. As an answer I got a business card with email address on it… later that night I received a reply “Yes, we will do it”.

And I say GO FOR IT my friends. Once you have a goal to do good – do it and convince others to collaborate with you. It is a universal true – we all want to do good and help others, so if you happen to be in a position that allows you to do good – make an effort and make it happen, and never forget – collaboration is absolutely possible.